New Car and Road Trip!
I have a new friend for you to meet! This is Dominick. He's my new car and let me tell you, we bonded quickly. Well, when you drive 700 miles together in the first two days of your acquaintance, you get to know each other very quickly. I know, for example, that he gets almost 30 miles to the gallon. That his radio is loud and his windscreen wipers good, but the air conditioning is never truly cold. (Adequate, but never cold.) That his gas tank is supposedly 12 gallons but if you drive until the "check gauges" light comes on, it actually holds 13. He knows that I sing along with the radio whether I know the words or not. That I nibble on snacks almost constantly on a long trip, to keep myself awake. (Several varieties of bite-sized snacks were kept within reach!) That I can do an 11-hour drive all by myself, but sometimes I need a brief nap in the middle. Nice to know you, Dominick! Here's to a long and happy relationship. ...