One of those weeks
It's been one of those weeks. You know the feeling. When everything seems to take just a little extra effort... and doesn't seem worth the extra effort. When you hit "snooze" on your alarm... more than once. When you lie in bed wondering whether it would really be such a horrible thing if you just went back to sleep and skipped everything that day. When you seriously consider cutting class (and it's not even because you haven't done the homework.) For me, this feeling usually only lasts a day. But this whole week has been like this for me. I'm blaming part of it on the weather - it had been cool, crisp, and autumnal, but suddenly on Monday it was 80 and sticky again. Now it's cool and raining and I feel less mentally foggy -- although physically I'm not so great. I actually did skip school and sleep all morning, since when I woke up at 6 this morning my head felt like someone had been thumping it with a small hammer all night...