Apple Butter
It's a beautiful afternoon! And by beautiful I mean mid-seventies, still, grey, and rainy. Thunder rumbles far off in the distance and I've seen the occasional faint flash of lightning. I'm holding out hope for an honest-to-goodness thunderstorm; autumn storms are a delight to my heart. I love how even when the sky is clouded over, the trees stand out bright and cheerful in their changing colours. Some people may deplore the rain, but I love it! I've spent the afternoon studying for a psychology test. I think I might find this class interesting if I had a better teacher: as it is, the class is boring, and most of the material seems to be either just giving names to common-sense ideas, or complete nonsense. Needless to say I don't find it very inspiring. So I took a study break and hung some posters in my bedroom! It's always been homey but now it looks... settled . I'm happy with it :) In honour of the autumnal weather, I t...